We believe that success with ADHD is possible... with a little translation. Hosts Asher Collins and Dusty Chipura, both ADHD coaches who have plenty of insight to share navigating their own ADHD experiences, discuss how to live more authentically as an adult with ADHD and how to create real, sustained change to achieve greater success. If you are an adult with ADHD who wants more out of their business, career, and life, this is the podcast for you!

Monday Dec 18, 2023
Navigating Barriers to Change: One Client’s ADHD Coaching Story
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
In Season 2, Episode 12 of Translating ADHD, hosts Ash and Cam discuss their coaching approach, focusing on one of Asher’s clients and their journey through the coaching process, self-discovery and change. They emphasize the importance of addressing barriers to change, such as awareness, action, and new learning.
Asher shares a specific example involving work-related challenges and how coaching helped his client shift from black-and-white thinking and big signal distraction to embracing nuance and curiosity. The client's journey led to increased self-awareness, questioning limiting beliefs, and ultimately making positive career changes aligned with strengths and unique values. The episode highlights the power of coaching in cultivating understanding, self-discovery, and creating a life that fits for individuals with ADHD.
Episode links + resources:
For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:
- Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
- Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
- Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

Monday Dec 11, 2023
When Are You Ready for ADHD Coaching?
Monday Dec 11, 2023
Monday Dec 11, 2023
In this episode the hosts, Ash and Cam venture into the topic of readiness for coaching. Coaching is best utilized when clients are in a position to maximize the benefits. Ash and Cam discuss that timing is key to a successful run at coaching and that challenges with coaching can be mitigated by some level of work prior to coaching. They emphasize key elements of readiness for coaching, exploring topics like vulnerability, shame, and the transformative power of partnership. The hosts highlight the evolving nature of coaching relationships and the importance of building a practice of curiosity and reflection. They also share how coaches can help clients understand this process.
The episode also delves into their recent experience at the International ADHD Conference, sharing personal stories about navigating barriers and the coaching process. Finally, they introduce a new group coaching offering called Acceptance starting in January. They also discuss the importance of acceptance in dealing with ADHD barriers.
Episode links + resources:
For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:
- Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
- Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
- Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

Monday Dec 04, 2023
Signs You Are Stuck at the Third Barrier of ADHD - New Learning
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
In this episode of Translating ADHD, hosts Ash and Cam revisit the third barrier of ADHD - the barrier to new learning - and explore common scenarios of being stuck at this barrier. They emphasize the importance of understanding and addressing this often-overlooked barrier. Behavior at the base of this barrier includes the ever frustrating ‘strategy fade’ where a system of strategy fades after a couple weeks. The feeling of ‘clean slate’ or always starting over is another indicator.
The hosts share personal experiences and examples, highlighting the significance of learning from struggles and navigating the challenges of ADHD. They discuss the value of experiential learning, experimenting with different approaches, and the power of modeling as coaches share their own journeys of growth. The episode encourages listeners to design experiments, engage with the coaching process, and seek coaches who embrace the ongoing journey of change.
Episode links + resources:
For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:
- Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
- Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
- Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

Monday Nov 27, 2023
Overwhelm, Burnout and Fear: Signs of the Second Barrier of ADHD
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
In this podcast episode, Ash and Cam discuss the concept of being stuck at the second barrier in ADHD-action, focusing on the three barriers: awareness, action, and new learning. They continue to explore how these barriers overlap with coaching stages. The main discussion centers around three common states of being stuck: overwhelm, fear, and burnout. The hosts share insights into how to navigate each state, emphasizing the importance of self-care, breaking tasks into manageable steps, and addressing fear through developing accurate feedback loops and separating emotions from activities. The overall message is that being stuck is not a personal failing but a part of ADHD, and finding alternative ways to take action is possible . The hosts encourage curiosity and support to open doors to new approaches.
Episode links + resources:
For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:
- Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
- Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
- Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

Monday Nov 20, 2023
Three Signs you are Stuck at the First Barrier of ADHD
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
In this episode of Translating ADHD, Ash and Cam return to awareness, the first barrier of ADHD, and share a few examples of “You know you are here if..” They explore client scenarios that are a good indication of being stuck at the first barrier. Being at the first barrier is often exemplified by having some sense of a challenge but also not seeing all of the picture. ADHD makes it difficult to get to causation and nowhere is this more evident than the first barrier characterized by the first stage of change, pre-contemplation or “you don’t know what you don’t know”.
There are many examples, but Cam and Ash share three in particular - where individuals coming to coaching may think they need only tactical support, view ADHD as a superpower, or perceive it as a curse. The hosts discuss each example and first steps to moving through the barrier to new awareness. The hosts not only emphasize the importance of gaining awareness, but also recognizing self-criticism and seeking support to navigate these challenges.
Episode links + resources:
For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:
- Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
- Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
- Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

Monday Nov 13, 2023
Pulling the Learning Forward: The Third Barrier of ADHD
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
In this podcast episode, hosts Ash and Cam discuss the third barrier of ADHD, which is learning. They emphasize how this barrier aligns with the stages of coaching: awareness, action, and learning. They also discuss how ‘pulling the learning forward’ is so hard with ADHD but necessary for sustained change and growth.
Cam addresses his concerns about the quality of coaching in the ADHD community, cautioning against quick-fix approaches and promoting a genuine coaching process. He emphasizes that like any good coaching engagement, coach training programs should have a robust experiential element.
Shifting to the topic of learning, the hosts share insights into the coaching journey, highlighting the importance of curiosity, detachment from outcomes, and client-focused engagement. Ash and Cam discuss how the third barrier can be the most difficult to overcome with false starts and dropped practices. They also share how learning is key to creating real change with ADHD.
They both share client stories of struggle and eventual nuggets of learning. They conclude by encouraging listeners to be wary of promises, fixed-time programs, and coaches who talk more than they listen.
Episode links + resources:
For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:
- Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
- Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
- Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

Monday Nov 06, 2023
Moving into Action with ADHD
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
In this episode of Translating ADHD, Ash and Cam discuss the second barrier of ADHD - action. They discuss how the second barrier epitomizes the universal ADHD dilemma of not taking action on the thing we know we ought to do. They explore how small and subtle barriers can often hinder progress, even when the bigger issues are recognized. They emphasize the importance of breaking down tasks into manageable steps, taking action, and learning from the experience.
Additionally, they share examples from their coaching practices of clients overcoming the second barrier. They also refer to two resources from Season 1 generated by podcast listeners - The Six Cs to Completion and Cam’s Seven Factors to Action.
Episode links + resources:
For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:
- Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
- Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
- Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

Monday Oct 30, 2023
On the Cusp of New Awareness with ADHD
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
In this episode of Translating ADHD, Ash and Cam discuss the importance of awareness in managing ADHD. They explore how difficult it can be for individuals with ADHD to reach a new level of awareness, which is crucial for initiating any kind of change. They also highlight that many clients who seek coaching have recently become aware of their ADHD diagnosis, whether it's a new realization or a revisiting of a childhood diagnosis.
Listeners will recall past episodes discussing the three barriers of ADHD. Awareness is the first barrier and also the first stage of coaching. Tune in to learn more about the role of awareness in the coaching process and how it can lead to positive change for those with ADHD.
[00:01:36] Becoming aware of ADHD.
[00:07:27] Facade building and masking.
[00:08:37] Denial about ADHD impact.
[00:12:26] New information and resistance.
[00:19:11] Appreciating strengths and challenges.
[00:23:38] ADHD and developing identity.
Episode links + resources:
- Join the Community | Become a Patron
- Our Process: Understand, Own, Translate.
- About Cam and Asher
- Episode 104 Season One: The First Barrier of ADHD
For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:
- Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
- Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
- Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

Monday Oct 23, 2023
The Coaching Process: Stages and Barriers to Change with ADHD
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
In this episode of Translating ADHD, Ash and Cam discuss the coaching process, focusing on how this process actually mirrors the three barriers of ADHD: awareness, action, and learning. This can quickly become a friction point in the coaching engagement for both client and coach. Ash and Cam emphasize the importance of creating awareness around the challenges clients face and how coaching can help individuals overcome these barriers.
The conversation also delves into the significance of learning from both success and setbacks and how coaching encourages curiosity and reflection. They share a number of client scenarios to illustrate the dilemma and how clients overcome the challenges. They tease future episodes where they will explore each barrier in more detail and how the coaching process can support informed change.
Episode links + resources:
For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:
- Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
- Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
- Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com

Monday Oct 16, 2023
ADHD and Barriers to Journey Thinking
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
In this episode of Translating ADHD, Ash and Cam continue to explore the concept of journey thinking and how it relates to ADHD. They focus on illustrating specific barriers to journey thinning and how ADHD can elevate a destination or fixed mindset. Ash and Cam discuss how ADHD individuals often get attached to certain outcomes, identities, and beliefs, which can hinder their ability to adapt and make positive changes - key to any coaching relationship.
They highlight the importance of embracing journey thinking, which involves being curious about your own experiences, recognizing emotional components, and finding more resourceful ways to approach challenges. The episode features several client examples to illustrate the benefits of this mindset. They also discuss how coaches can benefit from a journey thinking mindset.
Episode links + resources:
For more of the Translating ADHD podcast:
- Episode Transcripts: visit TranslatingADHD.com and click on the episode
- Follow us on Twitter: @TranslatingADHD
- Visit the Website: TranslatingADHD.com